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TWG purpose, significance and role in HUC 

Thematic working groups (TWGs) are member-led, self-funded and self-organizing clusters, to operate on a resource-sharing basis. The TWGs endeavor to collaborate on regional research and transboundary projects, joint publications and knowledge depository, sharing and dissemination. The groups provide scientific inputs to communities, policy makers, researchers and professionals through better understanding of the complex mountain processes, tackling challenges, and contributing to Sustainable Mountain Development (SMD) in the HKH.


They serve to foster issues-based cooperation within networks that are focused but flexible enough to respond quickly to topical HKH issues. They form an enabling framework for development of HUC education and research providing an optimal structure for increasing the knowledge generation and sharing across the HKH.

HUC full and associate members with strong track records in SMD education and research are expected to provide assistance in capacity building to members with lesser capacity. Thematic Working Groups are envisioned to play an important role in this process.


TWGs also contribute to the HUC’s strategy for fostering regional collaboration on research, education and training among academic and research institutions as well as scholars and to make HUC a vibrant South-South-North consortium. Thematic areas for joint research cover Climate Change, Cryosphere, Glaciers, Water Resources, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Rangeland Management, Mountain Hazards, Disasters and Resilience, Mountain Livelihoods, Cultural Heritage, etc.

Priority will be given to interdisciplinary research that focus on transboundary issues or upstream-downstream/ highland-lowland linkages as well as gender transformative change and social inclusiveness in sustainable mountain development.




Thematic working groups


Water group aims to promote regional collaboration on integrated water studies in HKH region.


Himalayan Environmental Humanities

The Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Himalayan Environmental Humanities was initiated during the HUC Annual Meeting in Chengdu, China, in November 2017.



Greenhouse gases are a major contributor to global warming and climate change. The burning of coal, natural gas and oil for electricity and heat is the single largest source of global greenhouse gas emissions.


Mountain Agriculture


Himalayan Food Systems

Food system in mountainous area is diversified yet vulnerable and challenging. Thematic working group (TWG) on mountain food systems of the Himalayan Universities Consortium (HUC) can serve as a platform for collaborating on research, capacity building and training on food systems in the region.


DRR Resilience Curriculum Cluster


Cryosphere and Society


Mountain Tourism & Cultural Heritage


Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience


Traditional, Indigenous, and local knowledge system for Locally Led Adaptation

The Thematic Working Group on TILK-LLA aims to facilitate the co-development of LLA solutions prioritizing TILK system as a foundation of adaptation actions


High Mountain Data

Data can tell stories on how our mountains are changing in local and global media and drives narratives that are crucial to support future decision-making.


Upcoming thematic working groups

Please get in touch with the HUC Secretariat in case you are interested to be a part of and contribute to any of the upcoming TWGs.

Himalayan Hub of WCRP My Climate Risk
Forests, Wildlife, and Rangelands
Air Pollution and Health
Genetic Biodiversity